What is the air syndrome re-discussed by a CIA officer?
New Delhi, September 21, 2021, Tuesday A CIA officer noticed symptoms of a mysterious disease called Havana Syndrome during a trip to India. According to the information received, these symptoms have been seen in the American officers who have been posted abroad. The name of the CIA officer in India has not been revealed. He had arrived in India a few days ago with William Burns, the director of the agency. Havana's syndrome was first reported in 2014 in U.S. officials working at the U.S. Embassy in Cuba and their family members. Since then, most of the activities of the U.S. Embassy in Cuba have been shut down. These activities are still closed. Canada has since reduced its embassy staff in Cuba. Last month, US Vice President Kamala Harris also suspended her trip to the Vietnamese capital, Hanoi, for two hours during a visit to the capital, Vietnam, because the US embassy there said she had symptoms of a man's air syndrome. Also formed a taskforce. A panel from the US Nati...