Eating cucumber at night good or bad for health? Stomach related problems may occur

Image: Freepik

New delhi date. 14 July 2023, Friday

There are many fruits and vegetables that are very good for your health, whether green vegetables or fruits that provide the body with vitamins. Likewise, eating cucumber is very important to keep the body hydrated. Cucumbers are rich in vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium and copper so you will stay hydrated for the whole time after eating it.

Get rid of diseases too

Along with deficiency of nutrients in the body, it also gets rid of diseases. But do you know that there are many disadvantages of eating it as well.

Is it okay to eat cucumber at night or not?

Cucumber is eaten mixed with other vegetables in salads. Cucumber is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. That is why it is very cold to eat. It contains many types of nutrients, which keep the body and mind cool. The biggest question in such a situation is whether it is right to eat cucumber at night?

Do not eat cucumber at night

There are many people who eat cucumber with dinner. But there are many people who refuse to eat cucumber at night. According to nutrition expert we should avoid eating cucumber at night.

Sleep will be affected

Cucumber takes a long time to digest and is very heavy on the stomach, thus directly affecting your sleep. Due to the high water content of cucumber, if you eat it at night and go to sleep, you may have trouble going to the bathroom.

Effect on stomach

Cucumber is harmful for people who have stomach related problems. They should avoid eating it. Cucumber contains a powerful substance called cucurbitacin, which can cause stomach problems. If there is even a slight problem in digestion, gas problem occurs. Health experts advise people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) not to include cucumber in their diet.

Can be eaten before dinner

Do not eat cucumber in meal or even after meal but if you must eat then you can eat cucumber 20-30 minutes before dinner.

We are not asking you to stop eating cucumbers forever, but eat them at the right time and in the right amount. Eating a small amount of cucumber in a day will not harm your body. This keeps the body hydrated and helps in strengthening the bones. Also helps in weight loss.


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