Rising cancer risk in this age group: survey

New delhi date. August 21, 2023, Monday

Cancer is a group of diseases related to abnormal cell growth that has the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body. While the incidence of cancer is increasing among people, this is a disease that everyone fears. A survey has been done recently. According to that

From 2010 to 2019, cases of early cancer have increased among people 50 years or younger. The fastest expanding cancer during this period has been gastrointestinal cancer (14.80 %), followed by endocrine cancer, which has seen up to 8.69 percent. The next highest incidence of cancer is breast cancer (7.7 percent).

Gastrointestinal cancer can arise anywhere in the digestive tract. These include the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, pancreas, gall bladder, bile duct, liver, rectum, and anus.

Despite the rapid expansion of gastrointestinal cancer, the year 2019 saw the highest number of breast cancer cases among people in the 50 and younger age group. A group of researchers thoroughly analyzed data from 17 National Cancer Registries from 2010 (January 1) to 2019 (December 31).

Why is the risk of cancer increasing?

The researchers said that there are many factors that increase the incidence of early cancer, including obesity, smoking, poor sleep patterns, zero physical activity, gasoline, microbiota and risk of carcinogenic compounds. According to the report, the most alarming thing about this study is that the cases of cancer among the youth are increasing and it is happening due to poor lifestyle and adoption of such unhealthy eating habits.

Obesity, alcohol, tobacco, poor lifestyle, insufficient sleep, etc. have all increased during the covid epidemic.

Cases of breast and women-related cancers were highest among women aged 30-39. This study was conducted between the years 2010 to 2019. The study emphasizes improving bad eating habits, optimizing lifestyle, and emphasizing physical activity.


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