Know what is the difference between Weight Loss and Fat Loss? Somewhere you are also not making this mistake

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 04 September 2023 Monday

Obesity is becoming a big problem nowadays. People are falling prey to obesity due to bad diet and lifestyle. Sitting in the same place continuously in the office or at home also starts accumulating fat in the body. However, most of the people are becoming very aware about this and also want to stay fit. People use different methods to control their weight.

But maintaining a healthy weight is also necessary to keep the body fully healthy and at the same time it is very important to know whether you should lose weight or lose fat to maintain a healthy weight.

In general, it is not good to just lose weight because the entire body weight is lost in the process of muscle, water, glycogen and fat. Fat loss involves reducing body fat already stored in the body. So it is considered as a better option.

What is weight loss?

Weight loss simply means to lose body weight, it means to lose muscle, fat and water weight from the body. Meanwhile, you can lose body weight with crash diet and gluten free diet, but by doing this, along with weight, you also lose the necessary muscles for the body. which plays an important role in strengthening the body. So if you want a slim and toned body, you should not lose weight but lose fat.

What is fat loss?

Fat means fat is an important part of the body which is important for the functioning of the body but when its amount starts to increase in the body then its fat starts to increase in the body. The process of burning the accumulated fat in the body is called fat loss. Gaining muscle without burning the body's lean mass is called fat loss. The easiest way to lose body fat is through a calorie deficit and a hard workout. If you want to get a toned body, you should reduce excess body fat.


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