Over 40+? Yes..., then cut down on these 5 foods, or you'll be in big trouble!

Navi Mumbai, dt. 16 December 2023, Saturday

With increasing age, many types of problems begin to occur in the body. Often by this time people pay less attention to diet but let us tell you that diet has a direct effect on our body. There are many such foods around us, which can make us age faster.

Those who are above 40 should pay special attention to their diet because, if our eating habits are poor, we can suffer from many diseases at this age. So at this age you are advised not to eat these foods.

Raw vegetables

By the age of 40, many types of oral problems begin to occur. Consuming raw vegetables can harm the body as well as cause dental problems. Vegetables should be lightly fried or made into soup.

Dairy products

As you age, you may find it difficult to digest milk or dairy products, but the body needs calcium at this age. Yogurt and buttermilk can be consumed in the diet to provide calcium. These foods are easy to digest and rich in calcium.


Many people experience no or less sleep as they age, in which case caffeine should be avoided. Consuming too much caffeine can also cause stomach problems like gas, constipation and indigestion. You can replace caffeine in your diet with soups and herbal teas.


Never age alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption after 40 may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. Consuming alcohol can disrupt sleep and can also increase blood pressure. A patient suffering from diabetes should never consume alcohol.


Along with fiber, beans are also rich in protein, which is healthy for the body. In such a situation, a small amount of pulses can be consumed in a day. Beans are beneficial for the body. But if you are above 40, you can avoid beans. Consuming legumes can lead to problems like gas, indigestion and stomach aches with age.

This food can be consumed in old age. However, if you have any disease or allergy problem, consume this food only after consulting your doctor.


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