If there is a lack of blood in the body, this symptom is seen in the hands and feet

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 02 January 2024 Tuesday

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the problem of hemoglobin i.e. blood deficiency is a serious problem for the whole world. Millions of people all over the world are affected by it. Whoever is suffering from this disease, if not treated at the right time, this disease can be the beginning of a very serious illness. Lack of blood in the body causes irritability, fatigue and weakness all the time. A healthy body needs protein, vitamins and nutrients in abundance. When the body begins to lack blood, the brain starts sending many signals to the body.

An early symptom of blood deficiency in the body

Due to lack of blood in the body, many types of symptoms are seen in the body. Like tingling in hands and feet. When blood is deficient, oxygen cannot reach the veins of the body properly. Meanwhile, the hands and feet begin to tingle. Due to which fatigue and weakness are felt. Dizziness often occurs when blood is deficient. When you wake up suddenly, darkness covers your eyes.

Hair falls due to lack of blood in the body. If suddenly more hair falls, then understand that the body is suffering from blood deficiency. Meanwhile, do a blood test first. If there is deficiency of blood, sores start to appear in the mouth. Due to which food starts to become difficult. Pimples start to appear. Due to lack of blood, the face starts turning yellow. If you also feel like this, first of all get a blood test.

Take care of these things

Include fiber, protein and fruits in the diet to prevent anemia. Also keep exercising and taking medicine. It will heal you very quickly.


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