The number of Koro infections in the country has crossed 56 lakh, with 83,347 new cases in the last 24 hours.

- Corona was assuming a monstrous form

New Delhi Dated 23rd September 2020 Wednesday

In the last 24 hours, 83,347 new cases of corona have been reported in the country, bringing the total number of corona to over 56 lakh. However, the Centre's health department claimed that the recovery rate was 81.25 per cent.

In the last 24 hours, 83,347 new cases of corona have been reported, according to figures released by the health department at 8 am today. At the same time, the number of infected people in Koro was 56 lakh 46 thousand 010. A further 1,085 people died in the last twenty-four hours. At the same time, the number of deaths due to corona was 90 thousand 020. So far, 45 lakh 87 thousand 613 people have recovered and returned home.

The death toll from Kovid 19 fell to 1.59 percent. However, 9 lakh 68 thousand 377 people were still under treatment, which is 17.15 per cent of the total cases. On August 7, the number of Kovid transitions in India exceeded two million. Then on August 23 it crossed Rs 30 lakh, on September 5 it crossed Rs 40 lakh and on September 16 it crossed Rs 50 lakh. According to the Indian Council for Medical Research, 6 crore 62 lakh 79 thousand 462 cores were tested in the country till September 22. Of these, 9 lakh 53 thousand 683 tests were conducted on Tuesday alone.

However, Corona was still gaining ground. Cases were increasing day by day, especially in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Gujarat. That's why Health Minister Dr Harshvardhan said people were not taking precautions like masks and social distance, so the infection was on the rise.


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