World TB Day 2021: TB is not an incurable but very contagious disease

New delhi date. Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Most people are scared when they hear the name TB. There is no doubt that TB is a very contagious disease but not incurable. However, in some cases this can be serious. When a healthy person inhales a droplet contaminated with bacteria present in the air, he or she becomes infected with TB. TB is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Every year March 24 is celebrated as World TB Day to spread awareness about the disease.

TB can occur not only in the lungs but in any organ

Usually the biggest impact of TB is in the lungs but in addition to the lungs, the brain, uterus, mouth, liver, kidneys, throat i.e. any part of the body can be affected by TB. However, the most common form of TB is TB in the lungs. According to the WHO, 24% of the world's TB patients are in India. In 2018, about 10 million people worldwide contracted TB, of which 1.5 million died. This is because there is a need to know about the disease by identifying the symptoms in time so that people's lives can be saved.

Symptoms of TB: -

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, this symptom is found in patients who have TB in their lungs.

- Coughing for 3 weeks or more.

- Feeling of chest pain.

- Bleeding from saliva while coughing or after coughing.

- Feeling very tired and weak.

- Sudden weight loss.

- Loss of appetite.

- Feeling shaky and having a fever.

- Excessive sweating at night.

If TB has occurred in any other part of the body, the symptoms may vary depending on the part of the body where the TB has occurred. This sign can be seen if we talk about the general symptom.

- Persistent swelling in the lymph nodes lymph nodes.

- Persistent abdominal pain.

- Pain in bones or joints.

- Creating a situation like confusion or confusion.

- Have regular headaches.

- Convulsions.

Treatment of TB: -

TB is a disease caused by bacteria, so TB can be treated if the disease is identified in time and appropriate antibiotics are started. Which antibiotic is appropriate for whom and how long the treatment will last depends on these factors.

- Age and health of the person

- The patient has active TB or latent i.e. indirect TB in which no symptoms are seen.

- Which part of the body is infected with TB?

TB treatment usually lasts from 3 months to 9 months. Even if the symptoms stop appearing, it is very important that if you do not complete the course of medicine, the disease is likely to recur.

Click here for more information


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