The indigenous people of this country have the strongest hearts in the world

LaPaze, Wednesday, April 21, 2021

As the incidence of heart disease increases in the world, the indigenous semen of Bolivia has the lowest incidence of arterial and cardiovascular disease in the world. In this way, they have the strongest heart. The incidence of heart disease in Tasmanians is five times lower than in the United States. Tasman has arranged people's lifestyles in such a way that men work an average of 3 to 4 hours while women work an average of 3 to 4 hours a day.

According to one source, people are 5% more active than the average person in a job or business. They waste only 10% of their daily routine. They are constantly engaged in hunting, gathering, fishing and farming. In addition, they eat very low fat, non-processed fiber foods, carbohydrates and a small amount of fish. People in Tasman do not have any kind of addiction or smoking. Since they are physically active, the heart and arteries get regular exercise.

This organ was researched a few years ago by Professor Hillard Kapla of the University of New Mexico. The research found that 8% of semen people's diet is rich in carbohydrates and fiber. They include rice, corn, peanuts and fruits in their diet. These people have only 12% fat in their diet. They get about 15% of the protein they need from meat. Their body gets only 20 grams of fat per day from food which is digested due to their lifestyle. Researchers visited more than 3 villages of this indigenous people for this study in 2016-2017. Surprisingly, even at the age of 7, the risk of heart disease was not more than 5%.

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