Cancer rate among young people on the rise, shocking revelation in study

A report was published this week at the JAMA Network Open. The study said that there were more cases of early cancer from 2010 to 2019 among people aged 50 years or younger. The fastest growing cancer during this period is gastrointestinal cancer, which has increased by 14.80 percent. It was followed by endocrine cancer, which was found at 8.69 percent. After this, the most prevalent type of cancer is breast cancer (7.7%).

Most cases of breast cancer were observed among people

Gastrointestinal cancer can occur anywhere in the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, liver, rectum, and anus. Despite the rapid spread of gastrointestinal cancer, the year 2019 saw the highest number of breast cancer cases among people aged 50 and under. A group of researchers led by the National University of Singapore analyzed data from 17 national cancer registries from 2010 to 2019.

Why is the risk of cancer increasing?

The researchers found that there are many reasons for the increase in early cancer cases, including obesity, smoking, poor sleep patterns, zero physical activity, exposure to gasoline, microbiota and carcinogenic compounds. According to the report, the most alarming aspect of this study is that cancer cases are increasing among the youth and this is due to poor lifestyle and adoption of unhealthy eating habits. Obesity, alcoholism, tobacco, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of adequate rest, lack of sleep, all these problems increased during the covid pandemic.

Try to improve lifestyle

Breast and gynecological cancer cases were highest among women aged 30 to 39 years. This study was conducted between the years 2010 to 2019. This study emphasizes on correcting bad eating habits, improving lifestyle, giving importance to physical activity.


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