World Heart Day 2023: Why World Heart Day is Celebrated, Know Its History, Significance and Theme

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 29 September 2023 Friday

Heart is a very important part of our body. Through which oxygen reaches all the organs of the body. So it is very important to keep it healthy but recently the cases of heart related problems and heart attacks are increasing rapidly. Meanwhile, World Heart Day is observed on September 29 every year with the aim of saving people's lives and raising awareness about heart problems.

History of World Heart Day

Antony Bayes de Luna was the first to come up with the idea of ​​celebrating World Heart Day in view of the rapidly increasing incidence of heart related diseases and heart attacks. Antony Bayes de Luna, who was the president of the World Heart Federation from 1997 to 1999, chose the last Sunday of September for World Heart Day. After which World Heart Federation and World Health Organization started celebrating this day together. World Heart Day was first celebrated on 24th September in the year 2000 but later this date was changed to 29th September and since then this day is celebrated on 29th September every year.

Theme of World Heart Day

Every year a different theme is decided to celebrate this day. The theme for the year 2023 is 'Use Heart, Know Heart'. This theme has been unanimously declared by the World Heart Federation. Every year many kinds of programs are organized to make people aware on this occasion. In many places, necessary heart health check-ups are conducted by setting up camps and people are told how to keep the heart healthy.

What is the significance of World Heart Day?

The main causes of heart related diseases are considered to be diet, improper lifestyle and lack of physical exercise and smoking. WHO statistics show that every year about 1 crore 79 lakh people are dying due to cardiovascular diseases alone. After covid the situation has become more serious. Meanwhile, it is very important to be alert towards heart health.


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