Do you also feel this kind of pain in your body throughout the day? So the possibility of this disease

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Ahmedabad. 23 January 2024 Tuesday

Numbness in hands and feet is common. Sometimes sitting in one position for a long time also causes numbness in the hands and feet. Many people experience ant-bite-like pain and tingling in their hands and feet. This happens many times a day and sometimes the hands and feet are also felt in the head. If this happens to you often, then instead of ignoring it, it is important to know the reason behind it. Health experts say that numbness like ant bites in the hands and feet can be a symptom of some serious problem.

Why does it feel like ants are biting the hands and feet?

Ant-bite-like pain in the hands and feet can be a sign of diabetes. When the blood sugar level increases in the body of a diabetic patient, the hands and feet start to feel pain and numbness starts to occur. It feels like a lot of ants are biting. This happens because when the blood sugar increases, the veins are damaged and the hands and feet become numb. So if you are having such problem then you should get your blood sugar checked.

Health experts say that deficiency of certain vitamins in the body can also lead to such an experience. These vitamins include vitamin B12 and vitamin E. Deficiency of vitamin E causes wrinkles in the skin. Apart from this, numbness in hands and feet is also common in thyroid problems. When there is an imbalance of thyroid hormone in the body, the hands and feet become numb and wastes start to occur.

Numbness in the hands and feet also occurs as a side effect of many medicines. High BP, fever, and post-treatment medications can also cause this sensation in the hands and feet after chemotherapy during cancer. Along with this, if a tumor is being generated in the body as a serious disease, then this is also indicated by the numbness of hands and feet. Tumors are generally considered to be the beginning of a disease such as cancer. Meanwhile, the immunity of the body is weak and due to the weakening of the veins of the hands and feet, numbness occurs in the body. Meanwhile, if you are having this problem frequently, you should immediately get checked by a doctor.


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