

Try these seven remedies to avoid the pestilence of mosquitoes, not a single insect will come near

Image Envato Dt. 16 May 2023, Tuesday National Dengue Day is observed on May 16 every year. The main objective of celebrating this day is to raise awareness against mosquito-borne diseases. Union Ministry of Health Welfare organizes various programs to educate people to prevent dengue disease. Dengue is transmitted from mosquitoes to humans. Common symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, nausea, rash and body aches. Dengue has proved severe and fatal in some cases. Necessary measures should be taken to control dengue. In this article we show you some remedies to avoid dengue or different types of mosquitoes. 1. Cover your body as much as possible Whatever area you go to, whether you know it or not, wear long pants, full length clothing, gloves and boots in the new area. Do not insist on wearing slippers or sandals. 2. Always use a mosquito net The most effective way to prevent dengue is to use repellent lotion. Test with a small paste first as some people may have a reaction

Know these properties of fresh figs, beneficial or harmful for diabetic patients

Image Envato Dt. 21 May 2023, Sunday Diabetes is a very serious disease and once the disease of diabetes occurs, other diseases also come along with it. Diabetics need to keep their blood sugar levels under control. This is a health related issue that focuses on diet. Diabetic patients always crave for sweets. If the diet is proper and balanced, it helps to keep the blood sugar normal, while a disordered diet causes the blood sugar to rise, which does not take long for health to deteriorate. In this case, there are some spices in the home kitchen that are rich in anti-oxidants and antibiotic properties, which help control blood sugar in diabetes. Diabetic patients always crave for sweets. Fresh figs are more beneficial Figs are also rich in calcium and phosphorus, which strengthen bones. And since it contains potassium, it also keeps the blood pressure under control. But among all these things now the most important question is how diabetic patients should eat figs. However, bot

Have you heard the name Diamond Apple? Know the benefits and cost of eating it

Image Source: Twitter Ahmedabad. 15 May 2023 Monday By now you must have eaten, seen and bought red apples but have you ever heard of black apples. Black apples are as beautiful in appearance as they are in taste. However, these are not so easily available in the market. This special type of apple is called diamond apple in English. This apple shines like a black diamond in appearance. The biggest thing is that it is not cultivated everywhere. It is cultivated only in some special places. Where is the black apple found? Black apples are grown in very cold places. So far this tree has been found in some areas of Bhutan and Tibet. A piece of black apple is sold for 1000 to 1500 rupees. Think how much a kilo would cost when an apple was so expensive. This apple belongs to a special breed called Hua Niu. There are many qualities present within it that make it valuable. Benefits of eating black apple Black apples are rich in many nutrients. It is rich in antibacterial properties, an

Consume these five fruits daily, excess cholesterol accumulated in the body will be cleared

Image Envato Dt. 15 May 2023, Monday A substance called cholesterol accumulates in our body. And when its level becomes more than normal, it becomes very harmful for the body. And because of that it causes serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. But you will be happy to know that using some fruits to reduce cholesterol levels can be easily controlled. Let's find out which fruits can help reduce cholesterol. If you are suffering from high cholesterol problem then you can get rid of it naturally. In which physical exercise should be done for 30 minutes daily, in addition to this some fruits can be used to bring cholesterol under control. Today you will benefit from consuming the fruits that are talked about. Apple Apples are considered very beneficial in controlling cholesterol. According to a report, consuming 2 apples a day can bring up to 50 percent control in cholesterol levels. In fact, since apples contain nutrients like soluble fiber, they can help control cholest

What does OD-BD-TDS mean on a doctor's prescription? Everyone should know about it, know different codewords

Image Envato Dt. 15 April 2023, Monday Everyone will get sick sometimes, in which many people buy medicine from medical for minor and major ailments. But sometimes if there is more trouble, one has to go to the doctor. But really it is necessary to consult a doctor in case of minor or major illness. Many of us must have gone to the doctor but we do not pay much attention to what the doctor prescribes because it is not our subject. In which the doctor properly examines the patient and writes the code word about his medicine in his prescription. Although the doctor tries to ensure that the patient understands the dosage of the medicine correctly, it is very difficult to understand this language of the doctor. As they have words like BID and BD written in them most of the people do not know what this means. But today we know such a codeword. In Latin 'BID' means bis in die twice a day. Doctors only prescribe BID In fact the food codes that are written before medicine are ofte

If you drink cold drinks in excess in heat, be careful, you may fall prey to these 5 diseases

Image Envato Dt. 15 April 2023, Monday During the hot season, many people drink a lot of cold drinks. Thus, people of all ages like to drink cold drinks to get relief from the heat. And cold drinks provide relief for some time, but consuming too much of them can cause some diseases in the body. In this way, it is necessary to know what kind of diseases are caused by consuming cold drinks. What can be harmed in the body? Excessive calorie intake leads to weight gain. According to a report, cold drinks do not contain any nutrients. But it is high in sugar and calories. Consuming too much sugar causes many problems in the body. And excessive calorie intake increases the body weight. Due to this, drinking cold drinks keeps the stomach full. Drinking cold drinks causes these 5 major harms Excessive consumption of cold drinks may increase the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. When too much cold drink reaches the liver, it becomes overloaded and turns the fructose into fat. Du

Know, how many days can a man live without sleep? Less than seven hours of sleep is dangerous

London, May 15, 2023, Monday Good sleep is very important for health. Sleep relaxes the body and mind. The reason for feeling energetic after waking up in the morning is due to insufficient sleep. Generally, 8 to 9 hours of sleep is considered beneficial for good health. If for any reason a person does not get sleep then the mood remains bad and does not feel refreshed. Research has been conducted on the maximum number of days a human can run on a single night without sleep. According to a news agency, scientists have been trying to answer this question for decades. In the 60s, an experiment was conducted on two American students in which they could stay without sleep for 11 days and 25 minutes. Students named Randy Gardner and Bruce McAllister set this record during a science experiment for the school. Apart from humans, this type of experiment was also done on animals. During a test on a cat, the cat died after 15 days without vomiting. However, the only difference is that the ca

Follow these simple eye care tips to reduce eye strain caused by constant use of mobiles, computers

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 20 May 2025 Saturday There is no end to our screen time these days. Such habits can later cause eye fatigue, dryness and tightness. Are you now worried about your eyes, then relax. No need to worry. It is an easy exercise for the eyes We can incorporate it into our daily routine to improve our vision and reduce eye strain. These exercises involve stretching and strengthening the muscles that control eye movement and focus. Improves blood flow to the eyes and reduces eye strain. Palming Palming is a simple exercise that can help relax your eyes and reduce eye strain. To perform this exercise, sit in a comfortable position on the table with the support of your elbows. Rub your hands together to warm them and then place your palms over your eyes, close your eyes by overlapping your fingers on your head and breathe deeply for a few minutes, allowing your eyes to relax. Blink an eye Blinking keeps your eyes moist and reduces dryness. When you stare a

To keep children fit and fine, include these superfoods in their meals

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 14 May 2023 Sunday Adequate nutrition in childhood improves overall health development. However, parents are often confused about which foods are best for their children's development. molasses Add pulses to the children's meal plate to meet the deficiency of essential nutrients like protein, fiber, iron, folate, magnesium. Dal which can be consumed for full development of your baby. Bones are also healthy by eating dal every day. Muscles are strengthened and overall physical health is promoted. grain It is very important to have grains in the meal plate. As this is one of the best sources to overcome fiber deficiency in children. Eating this improves the digestive power of children. Stomach feels full. Grains provide essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It also helps prevent iron deficiency anemia in children. Oats Babies should also be fed oats. This fiber is a treasure trove of essential nutrients like protei

Don't worry about the problem of snoring in heat, get relief by following these simple remedies

Image Envato Dt. 19 May 2023, Friday All over the country, people are suffering from unbearable heat, some people are suffering from many problems like chills, headache, fever, due to high heat, some people are suffering from nosebleeds. In the language of doctors, it is known as epistaxes. The nose contains many small blood vessels and is the most sensitive part of the body. When these tubes become constricted, the nose bleeds. Which we call in common language as a broken nostril. This type of problem is caused by excessive consumption of hot spiced food Due to excessive heat, some people start bleeding continuously from the nose, which we call in common parlance as nosebleeds. And according to doctors, this kind of problem occurs because people eat hot things. It is not suitable if this process is repeated. The nose contains many small blood vessels and is the most sensitive part of the body. When these tubes become constricted, the nose bleeds. But this is not suitable if th

Yogurt or buttermilk: What is beneficial for the body to consume in scorching heat? Know the facts

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 19 May 2023 Friday Yogurt is consumed with meals in almost every Indian household. It keeps the body cool but have you ever thought that buttermilk, which is made from curd, can be the best to keep the body cool in the heat?. According to Ayurveda, buttermilk is not only good for good digestion, but it is good for the body in every way. It is believed that curd leaves a warming effect on the body, while buttermilk is cooling in nature. 1. Yogurt and whey are both probiotics that keep the gut bacteria healthy but whey is better for digestion. Whey is a powerhouse of healthy probiotics, vitamins and minerals that keeps our body temperature down in extreme heat. You can drink a glass of cold whey to rejuvenate the body's energy and keep the body cool naturally. Cumin powder, pink salt and ginger can be used in it to make it more effective in digestion. 2. If your digestion is fast and your digestion is good then you can take full fat yogurt for we

Mint is very beneficial for health, it eliminates these 5 diseases

Image Envato Dt. 19 May 2023, Friday Mint is much loved in the heat due to its cooling properties. The scent of mint makes people feel refreshed. Mint leaves can be used both green and dry. And it can be used in food and drink. It is also used in some cold drinks. Some of us like to put mint in tea. Mint is very beneficial for health. According to the research, many diseases can be relieved in the body by consuming mint. Today let's learn about five benefits of mint. Provides relief from irritable bowel syndrome Consuming mint can provide relief from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). According to medical reports, this syndrome causes abdominal pain, gas, bloating and digestive problems. Research has found that consuming mint can provide relief from these ailments. It contains an ingredient called menthol. This relaxes the musculature of the digestive system. The problem of indigestion is removed Mint relieves indigestion, an indigestion problem that occurs when food takes too

Consuming these 5 foods will increase the beauty of your nails

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 13 May 2023 Saturday Beautiful nails enhance beauty. For the same reason, many women want their nails to be shiny, strong and beautiful, but this is only possible when you take good care of your nails. Some women take treatments to make their nails beautiful and beautiful but still end up breaking their nails. Meanwhile you need some healthy food for nails if you include these in your diet regularly this will prevent your nails from breaking and also look beautiful. Consuming this food makes nails beautiful and strong A green leafy vegetable Vitamin E is needed to make nails strong. Meanwhile you consume green leafy vegetables. Leafy green vegetables including spinach, broccoli, kale provide adequate iron folate and calcium to the body. This makes the nails take a proper shape. Consume nuts Many times the lines fall on the nails. This is a sign that you are deficient in magnesium. Meanwhile you can snack on nuts and seeds for nail health. Almond

Can diabetics eat litchi? Learn how it affects blood sugar levels

Image Envato Dt. 13 May 2023, Saturday Most of the people like to eat litchi in summer heat. Lychee is considered to be very beneficial for health as well as being excellent for hydration, as it is rich in water. You can keep yourself hydrated and healthy by enjoying litchi in the scorching heat. But diabetic patients should keep some things in mind before consuming it. Today we will tell you whether diabetic patients should enjoy juicy lychee or not. Lychee contains all kinds of nutrients Lychee is considered to be very beneficial for health in hot season and is considered excellent for hydration. Also litchi contains all kinds of nutrients. Which can help to keep the body healthy. And also it is delicious to eat. Lychee is also considered very effective for weight loss Lychee is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It also contains enough vitamin C, which strengthens your immune system. Some people like to drink lychee juice, while others eat it in smoothies and ice cr

World Hypertension Day: Know the symptoms of hypertension and how to prevent it

Image Source: Freepik Ahmedabad. 17 May 2023 Wednesday Every year today i.e. 17th May the World Hypertension Day is celebrated globally. This day is observed so that blood pressure can be measured on time and people can be made aware of the importance of knowing its normal level. Most of the people suffer from hypertension i.e. high blood pressure. If it is not controlled in time, it can prove to be fatal. According to the report of the World Health Organization, hypertension is not only found in the elderly but it affects about 1 in 4 people between the ages of 20 and 44. During the last 30 years, the cases of hypertension have increased by about 97 percent. Hypertension has a serious effect on the heart According to a doctor, hypertension has a serious effect on the heart. Due to the increased pressure on the blood pump, the heart muscles begin to enlarge and the blood reaches the body very slowly. Meanwhile, the patient begins to suffer from oxygen deficiency and breathing dif

Artificial sugar is like sweet poison, excessive consumption will cause diabetes risk: WHO warning

Image Envato Dt. 17 April 2023, Wednesday Nowadays our life style has changed, or it is not wrong to say that the life style of most people is getting worse. Now the physical work like before is less. Due to which people become big. And after that, various diseases take hold in the body in which problems like diabetes and hypertension start to occur. Artificial sugar is not a true substitute for sugar But now we should try to improve it. For that, regular practice of yoga, exercise, meditation etc. should be done daily. And at the same time one should be careful in eating and drinking. In which the use of artificial sugar should be especially avoided. It is like a sweet poison. It does not increase the calories in the body but the question is whether artificial sugar is the right substitute for sugar. But using it is not the right option. WHO warning WHO has warned about this and said that you are advised that the use of non-sugar sweeteners or artificial sugars that people are

Joint pain has made life difficult, try these three remedies

Image Envato Dt. 17 April 2023, Wednesday Today people's life has become fast and because of this they are not able to get enough food, and as a result they face various diseases at a young age. In all these things, the main thing is food and drink. And if the lifestyle is not good and healthy then diabetes and heart disease starts and then need not invite other other diseases. Along with this, the problem of arthritis also increases after 50. And when uric acid increases in the body, it begins to accumulate in the form of crystals between the cartilage between the bones of the joints, resulting in constant pain. Certain foods and our sedentary lifestyle are responsible for increasing uric acid. There are certain things in our diet that increase the amount of uric acid in the body. Uric acid pain starts increasing. And as a result the joints get very swollen and many other problems arise. And certain foods and our sedentary lifestyle are responsible for increasing uric acid. I

Before heading out into the 45-degree summer heat, try these tips to avoid the loo.

Image Envato Dt. 17 April 2023, Wednesday The summer heat has been beating everyone in the state for some time now. And there is a fear of getting caught if you go out. But if we are aware of it before then our health will be good. In which some people advise to keep onions in the pocket when leaving the house. But keeping an onion in your pocket doesn't make you feel really bad. Or is there any other solution to avoid loo. So yes, just now a doctor has given this wise advice to avoid loo. Ayurvedic Remedies to Avoid Loo According to the doctor, onions contain a chemical called quercetin. This chemical blocks histamine. Because of this, his role is necessary to escape from the loo. Thus hia stroke or one who has had a loo. In it, eating onion provides essential benefits. It is also mentioned in Ayurvedic books. And by eating onion mixed with cumin powder and honey in it, one can get rid of loo. For this, by frying cumin and onion and making powder of it and mixing it with hone

One mistake and 7000 diabetes patients lost their lives, somewhere you wouldn't have made such a mistake

People will never forget an epidemic like Corona in the world, this epidemic has taken the lives of many people. Also, this epidemic has made the condition of diabetic patients serious. According to several reports, the incidence of this disease is increasing in many countries around the world including India. Regular blood sugar check is very important in diabetes. However, there are many people who do not get diabetes checked on time and the sugar suddenly rises and falls. One in every 11 people in India has diabetes After China, India has more diabetic patients in the world. According to a report, about 7.7 crore people are suffering from diabetes in the country. Among them, 1.21 crore people are below 65 years of age. It is believed that this figure will cross 2.7 crore by 2045. It can be said that one out of every 11 people in India has diabetes. More than 7000 people died in Britain last year According to a report by Diabetes UK, more than 7,000 people died from diabetes in

Try these seven remedies to avoid the pestilence of mosquitoes, not a single insect will come near

Image Envato Dt. 16 May 2023, Tuesday National Dengue Day is observed on May 16 every year. The main objective of celebrating this day is to raise awareness against mosquito-borne diseases. Union Ministry of Health Welfare organizes various programs to educate people to prevent dengue disease. Dengue is transmitted from mosquitoes to humans. Common symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, nausea, rash and body aches. Dengue has proved severe and fatal in some cases. Necessary measures should be taken to control dengue. In this article we show you some remedies to avoid dengue or different types of mosquitoes. 1. Cover your body as much as possible Whatever area you go to, whether you know it or not, wear long pants, full length clothing, gloves and boots in the new area. Do not insist on wearing slippers or sandals. 2. Always use a mosquito net The most effective way to prevent dengue is to use repellent lotion. Test with a small paste first as some people may have a reaction

After Corona in the world, even monkeypox is no longer a global health emergency: WHO chief

Source: Twitter Not long ago, Corona was removed from the list of global health emergency by WHO. WHO took this decision in view of the declining number of corona cases in the world. After Jayar, an important statement has also been made regarding monkeypox, which is causing havoc in the world. Monkeypox, considered very serious, is no longer a global health emergency. "Mpox (Monkeypox) no longer a global health emergency," declares WHO (World Health Organization) DG, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus — ANI (@ANI) May 11, 2023 90 percent reduction in cases in last 3 months A World Health Organization meeting last week in which officials told the chief that monkeypox is not a global health emergency was announced today by the World Health Organization chief. Chief Tedros Adhanom said that cases have decreased by 90 percent in the last 3 months. Symptoms of the disease Monkeypox usually presents with fever, rash, and nodules and can lead to a variet

Have you heard the name Diamond Apple? Know the benefits and cost of eating it

Image Source: Twitter Ahmedabad. 15 May 2023 Monday By now you must have eaten, seen and bought red apples but have you ever heard of black apples. Black apples are as beautiful to look at as they are to taste. However, these are not so easily available in the market. This special type of apple is called diamond apple in English. This apple shines like a black diamond in appearance. The biggest thing is that it is not cultivated everywhere. It is cultivated only in some special places. Where is the black apple found? Black apples are grown in very cold places. So far this tree has been found in some areas of Bhutan and Tibet. A piece of black apple is sold for 1000 to 1500 rupees. Think how much a kilo would cost when an apple was so expensive. This apple belongs to a special breed called Hua Niu. There are many qualities present within it that make it valuable. Benefits of eating black apple Black apples are rich in many nutrients. It is rich in antibacterial properties, antio

Consume these five fruits daily, excess cholesterol accumulated in the body will be cleared

Image Envato Dt. 15 May 2023, Monday A substance called cholesterol accumulates in our body. And when its level becomes more than normal, it becomes very harmful for the body. And because of that it causes serious diseases like heart attack and stroke. But you will be happy to know that using some fruits to reduce cholesterol levels can be easily controlled. Let's know which are these fruits that can reduce cholesterol. If you are suffering from high cholesterol problem then you can get rid of it naturally. In which physical exercise should be done for 30 minutes daily, in addition to this some fruits can be used to bring cholesterol under control. Today you will benefit from consuming the fruits that are talked about. Apple Apples are considered very beneficial in controlling cholesterol. According to a report, consuming 2 apples a day can bring up to 50 percent control in cholesterol levels. In fact, since apples contain nutrients like soluble fiber, they can help control c

What does OD-BD-TDS mean on a doctor's prescription? Everyone should know about it, know different codewords

Image Envato Dt. 15 April 2023, Monday Everyone will get sick sometimes, in which many people buy medicine from medical for minor and major ailments. But sometimes if there is more trouble, one has to go to the doctor. But really it is necessary to consult a doctor in case of minor or major illness. Many of us must have gone to the doctor but we do not pay much attention to what the doctor prescribes because it is not our subject. In which the doctor properly examines the patient and writes the code word about his medicine in his prescription. Although the doctor tries to ensure that the patient understands the dosage of the medicine correctly, it is very difficult to understand this language of the doctor. As they have words like BID and BD written in them most of the people do not know what this means. But today we know such a codeword. In Latin 'BID' means bis in die twice a day. Doctors only prescribe BID In fact the food codes that are written before medicine are ofte

Know, how many days can a man live without sleep? Less than seven hours of sleep is dangerous

London, May 15, 2023, Monday Good sleep is very important for health. Sleep relaxes the body and mind. The reason for feeling energetic after waking up in the morning is due to insufficient sleep. Generally, 8 to 9 hours of sleep is considered beneficial for good health. If for any reason a person does not get sleep then the mood remains bad and does not feel refreshed. Research has been conducted on the maximum number of days a human can run on a single night without sleep. According to a news agency, scientists have been trying to answer this question for decades. In the 60s, an experiment was conducted on two American students in which they could stay without sleep for 11 days and 25 minutes. Students named Randy Gardner and Bruce McAllister made this record during a science experiment for the school. Apart from humans, this type of experiment was also done on animals. During a test on a cat, the cat died after 15 days without vomiting. However, the only difference is that the c