Consuming these 5 foods will increase the beauty of your nails

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 13 May 2023 Saturday

Beautiful nails enhance beauty. For the same reason, many women want their nails to be shiny, strong and beautiful, but this is only possible when you take good care of your nails. Some women take treatments to make their nails beautiful and beautiful but still end up breaking their nails. Meanwhile you need some healthy food for nails if you include these in your diet regularly this will prevent your nails from breaking and also look beautiful.

Consuming this food makes nails beautiful and strong

A green leafy vegetable

Vitamin E is needed to make nails strong. Meanwhile you consume green leafy vegetables. Leafy green vegetables including spinach, broccoli, kale provide adequate iron folate and calcium to the body. This makes the nails take a proper shape.

Consume nuts

Many times the lines fall on the nails. This is a sign that you are deficient in magnesium. Meanwhile you can snack on nuts and seeds for nail health. Almonds are excellent sources of protein and magnesium. Apart from this, you can include chia seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds in the diet apart from walnuts. Apart from magnesium, all these items also contain trace minerals manganese, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin E and copper. This strengthens the nails.

Eat beans for biotin

You can include beans and legumes in your diet to make your nails long and thick. It is rich in protein and biotin. This is an energy generator for nail health. Apart from this, it also contains sufficient amounts of vitamin B, iron, folate, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.

Vitamin C

Collagen also contributes to making nails strong and beautiful. For this you can consume fruits rich in vitamin C. In which you can consume fruits rich in vitamin C like strawberries, berries, blueberries.

Eat avocados for vitamin B12

Deficiency of vitamin B12 causes nails to look ugly. This causes the nails to break quickly. Vitamin B12 is what enables iron to be absorbed by the body. This involves the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B12 deficiency directly affects nail health. Meanwhile, you can also include vitamin B12-rich avocados in your diet to strengthen nails.


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