Mood Swings: When Mood Swings Become Dangerous!

New delhi date. Sunday, January 24, 2021

Mood swings are usually taken very lightly by people, but often mood swings can also be very dangerous. Mood swings often cause many people to have deadly thoughts, such as suicide. Mood swings can range from a few days to long periods. Mood swings often cause people to buy more than they need, to do things with people for no reason. Contact a doctor immediately if you currently have any of these problems.

What is mood swings?

It is very important to know what is the mood swing? In fact, it is a biological disorder that can cause a chemical imbalance in the brain. When the mood swings, sometimes the person becomes very happy and sometimes very sad. Occasional mood swings are common but frequent mood swings can also lead to an increase in stress called cortisol in the blood or an imbalance of the thyroid. This can happen to both women and men at any age. Here are some suggestions on how to look or get an appointment for acne treatment.

Characteristic of mood swings

The symptoms of mood swings vary in different situations. In addition to mood swings you can see many other psychological traits in yourself. Consult a doctor if you notice this symptom.

- Feeling restless, irritable

- Always feel indifferent

- Changes in mood, behavior or personality

- Forgetting things or a state of confusion

- Having difficulty focusing on something

- Having difficulty thinking, speaking, writing or reading

- Creating a lack of energy in the body, experiencing fatigue every time

- Lack of confidence and desire to work

- Feeling more or less hungry

- Insomnia, insomnia

Mental health conditions

Mood swings can often lead to mental health conditions. It can also cause serious mood swings. It is also known as a mood disorder. There are also different types.

Bipolar disorder

If you have bipolar disorder you may be very happy or very sad. But mood swings associated with bipolar disorder usually occur only occasionally during the year. The same thing happens with rapid-cycling bipolar disorder.

Cyclothemic disorder

Cyclothymic disorder, or cyclothymia, is similar to bipolar disorder. This is also a mild, normal mood swing. It also has ups and downs in people's emotions but the problem is less serious than bipolar disorder.

Major depressive bipolar disorder

People with MDD live longer in depression. MDD is sometimes called clinical depression. In this situation a doctor should be consulted immediately.


Dysthymia is also a type of depression but can be a serious problem. It is now called Chronic Depressive Disorder which is a severe form of depression.

Personality disorder

Personality disorders can sometimes be very dangerous. It causes rapid mood swings in less time.

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)

The effects of DMDD are usually seen only in children. Suffering from it slows down the growth of the child as he grows older. At the same time these children become more irritable to need.

Hormonal changes

Mood swings can also be caused by increasing age and hormonal changes. Youths and women who are pregnant or undergoing menopause experience mood swings due to the hormonal changes associated with this stage of their body development. It also often causes anxiety.

Avoid mood swings

Experts say that this is a type of biological disorder from which a person needs family and friends to get rid of. You can avoid mood swings by trying these remedies.

- Get a good night's sleep

- Avoid negativity

- Drink plenty of water

- Exercise

- Drink fresh air every day

- Eat a healthy diet

- Maintain a routine lifestyle

- Listen to music

- Keep the atmosphere of the house fragrant

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