Know, how beneficial is the water of delicious mugi dal for health?

New delhi date. 30 June 2020, Tuesday

Most people like mugni dal which is full of health benefits. These lentils are not only delicious to eat, but also have many health benefits. Mugni lentils contain nutrients like magnesium, potassium, magnesium folate, copper, zinc and vitamins. Consumption of these lentils can eliminate the deficiency of essential nutrients for the body. Mugni dal can also prevent dangerous diseases like dengue. Learn how to make mugi dal water and its benefits.

Method of making water from mugi dal

Heat two cups of water in a pressure cooker to make mugi dal water. When the water is hot, add mugi dal and salt to taste and let it heat till about 2 to 3 whistles. Then mash the lentils. Now the mugi dal water is ready to drink.

Helps reduce obesity

A person is facing many health related problems due to irregular routine and busy lifestyle. Weight gain is one of the biggest problems. If you are overweight and you are trying to lose it, consume mugi dal water every day. These lentils are low in calories and high in fiber. In addition, mugi lentil water also boosts metabolism, which speeds up the weight loss process.

Beneficial in diabetes

Mugni lentil water helps in increasing the level of insulin in the body. In addition, mug lentils control blood sugar, which helps in controlling diabetes.

Dengue prevention

Dengue is a dangerous disease caused by mosquito bites. Consumption of mugi dal water is very beneficial for you. Consumption of these lentils boosts the immune system, which can help you avoid dangerous diseases like dengue.

Helps to detox the body

Regular consumption of mug dal water flushes out the dirt in the body, which cleanses the body. At the same time, the water content of this lentil cleanses the liver, gall bladder, blood and intestines.

The amount of nutrients in mugi dal

One cup of mugi lentil water contains 14 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, 15 grams of fiber, 321 micrograms of folate, 4 grams of sugar, 55 ml of calcium, 97 ml of magnesium and 7 ml of zinc. The lentil water also contains vitamins B1, B5, B6, thiamine, dietary fiber and resistant starch. Consumption of these lentils also provides essential nutrients to the body and you can get protection against many diseases.


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