These 5 fruits remove the lack of water in the body, will keep you healthy and hydrated, consume plenty in the heat.

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Dated 14 June 2023, Wednesday

Everyone should drink more water in the heat because water is lost from the body in many ways due to the heat. Green vegetables and fruits are eaten along with this. Which keeps the body hydrated and also cures many diseases. It is very important to keep the body hydrated and healthy during the summer season. During the hot season, there are many foods that are rich in water, by consuming which you can overcome the water deficiency. At such times it is very important for us to know that there are foods that contain a lot of water. In summer season it is advisable to consume foods that are rich in water.

Taking these five types of fruits will be beneficial

1. Watermelon:

According to a medical news paper, watermelon contains a lot of water. And because of this, it is said to consume a lot of watermelon in summer. Watermelon contains about 90% water which keeps the body hydrated. Apart from this, it also contains many other nutrients that keep the body healthy and hydrated.

2. Cucumber:

Eating cucumber in hot season is very beneficial for health. It keeps the body healthy and hydrated. Cucumber contains a lot of water. And it protects the body from dehydration.

3. Coconut Water:

It is advisable to drink coconut water in summer. Coconut water acts as an elixir in the scorching heat of the sun. It protects the body from dehydration. It contains a lot of water which keeps the body healthy and hydrated.

4. Milk:

Milk thistle is very beneficial for health. Consuming it makes the body healthy. Milk contains many nutrients that keep the body healthy and hydrated. Milk is also said to be a good source of water. It contains more than 90% water.

5. Cucumber:

It is advisable to eat salad in summer season. Eating a salad of carrot, beetroot, cucumber, cucumber etc is good for health. Cucumber also contains a lot of water. Which keeps the body hydrated.


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