World Blood Donor Day: Blood donation is very beneficial for health, know its 5 benefits

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 14 June 2023 Wednesday

Millions of people die every year due to lack of blood during treatment all over the world but when a person donates blood or plasma it becomes a life-saving gift like a life-saving gift. Donating blood is not only beneficial for others but also beneficial for the health of the blood donor in many ways.

Relieves stress

When you donate blood regularly it not only affects your physical but also your mental health and it reduces your stress level. Donating blood reduces your stress level, you feel better emotionally. You can keep yourself away from negative emotions and save yourself from loneliness.

Best for the heart

Donating blood reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. This also reduces the risk of lower blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high and there is a problem of blood clotting in the vascular system, this increases the risk of heart stroke or heart attack, while donating blood reduces this risk.

Hemoglobin level remains normal

If you donate your blood regularly, it also keeps your blood hemoglobin level good and your blood healthy. This also improves the production of iron in the body.

Removes depression

When you donate your blood to someone in need, your happy hormones are also released which can cure your depression problem. People who act in this way and directly meet the needs of the society develop a sense of compassion and live a better life, thereby eliminating problems like depression.

Replaces calories

There are many other benefits of donating blood when you donate blood, at least 500 calories are replaced from the body at a time. However, this is possible when you consume zero calorie drinks or snacks after donating blood.


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