Despite Corona Report Positive, 85% of Patients Have Symptoms Absent?

Corona virus infection is rarely found everywhere in the world, but the symptoms of the Covid-19 disease caused by the virus remain a mystery. Physical symptoms have not been seen in corona-positive patients for some time. This may be a good thing for the patient, but it greatly increases the likelihood of transmission of the corona virus. Therefore, the only solution is to report such silent patients and provide treatment. Talking about Maharashtra in India, there have been many patients with no symptoms like cold, fever.

So far, more than 2 million coronary infected patients have died in the state of 160 lakh. A dossier has been prepared on the transmission of corona virus in Maharashtra, with consequences that are quite shocking. One fact that has emerged with the unanimous consent is that in 85 to 90 percent of patients, symptoms such as cold, fever and shortness of breath are very mild.

According to the Public Health Department, however, the death rate due to corona virus is 6.85% which is the highest in India. Another thing that has come to light in Pune is that a few hours ago, there were usually smiling patients who died. The oxygen saturation in people fighting the corona virus is more than 90%, which is also approaching sudden death. Which is somewhat different from Covid-19 caused by the corona virus because the corona requires a ventilator. Doctors associate this with poor heart and kidney function. Some of the carcasses were thought to be inflamed with heart tissue.

It is advisable to take special care for young children and the elderly for coronary infection, but it is important to know if the baby is still in the mother's womb. According to the Indian Council of Medical Research's new guideline, in some cases it is known that the corona virus being SARS-Cov-2 can cause infection in the mother's womb. However, it remains to be seen how much pregnant women are affected by it. Last month, Chinese researchers at the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that children from 3 positive mothers of the coronas also had coronary infections, but the World Health Organization did not disclose.


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