Women's Health Day 2020: Find out some information about women's health ...

New delhi date. May 28, 2020, Thursday

Women need to take care of their health more than men. Nowadays women handle responsibilities at home as well as outside. He needs to be more careful about his health. Today is International Women's Health Day. This day is also called 'International Day for the Action of Women's Health'. Women need to know health related things so that they can stay healthy and take care of their family. Learn about some of the issues related to women's health ...

Why is International Women's Health Day celebrated?

The purpose of International Women's Health Day is to raise awareness of issues related to sexual as well as reproductive and rights for the health and welfare of women.

Why celebrate this day?

Hygiene as well as awareness proves to be very ineffective in preventing the spread of any disease. Women are educated from time to time in this regard, which also has a positive effect. However there is still a need to raise awareness about sexual education, hygiene, including menstrual hygiene. Women are more aware than men. Probably a factor as to why they're doing so poorly.

What are women's health rights?

Information on sexuality, sexual education, choice of partner, decision for sexual activity and inactivity, use of modern contraceptive methods, use of maternity care, safe abortion and post-abortion care and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and infections, care and treatment related to women's health Is right.

Does the biological factor matter?

Biological factors (host and virus) affect the infection of a woman or a man. There are immunological as well as hormonal differences between the two. At the same time the physical condition of the host and the virus factor i.e. how much the virus is entering the body is also important. Women are an important member of the family. It is mostly the job of women to make children aware of hygiene as well as to take care of their nutrition in eating and drinking. Maybe that's why women manage to keep themselves away from so many diseases.


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