World Thyroid Day 2020: Know Your Thyroid Connection With Weight!

New delhi date. Monday, May 25, 2020

You may have noticed that despite a healthy and balanced diet and exercising every day, you suddenly start gaining weight fast. Especially if you are a woman with this type of symptom, you should have your thyroid level checked. This is because if the level of thyroid in the body decreases then the weight starts to increase suddenly. World Thyroid Day is celebrated on May 25 every year. A large number of people around the world suffer from thyroid disease. According to doctors, 1 in 10 women suffers from hypothyroidism, a problem caused by a decrease in thyroid hormones.

The thyroid gland in the body is butterfly shaped which is located below the throat in the throat. This gland produces two types of hormones in the body T3 (thyroxine) and T4 (triodothyronine) and TSH i.e. thyroid stimulating hormone.

The thyroid gland helps maintain a variety of body functions. So if there is any disturbance in these organs of the body then the body system cannot function normally. There are usually 2 types of thyroid disease. Hypothyroidism in which the production of thyroid hormone decreases and hyperthyroidism where the production of thyroid hormone begins to increase. People with hypothyroidism tend to gain weight suddenly, according to reports.

What is the connection between thyroid and weight?

Thyroid hormone is believed to be responsible for maintaining the body’s metabolism. The body’s metabolism is counted based on the metabolic rate. This metabolic rate determines how much energy your body expends or how many calories it burns. Our body burns calories even while resting, as energy is needed to continue the function of the body even while resting. This is called the basal metabolic rate (BMR).

Studies so far have shown that whenever the level of thyroid hormone in the body begins to decrease, the BMR in the body decreases and when the level of thyroid hormone increases, the BMR increases. Whenever BMR starts to increase in the body, it starts consuming the calories stored in the body faster than the calories consumed, which causes the person to lose fat and the person becomes very thin.

Weight gain due to hypothyroidism

In cases of hypothyroidism, the body seems to have a decrease in the normal amount of thyroid hormone. This hormone is considered to be very necessary in performing various functions of the body. At the same time, when the BMR starts to decrease, the process of burning calories in the body also slows down, which causes the person to gain weight rapidly.

At the same time, several reports have found that patients with hypothyroidism also have a problem with weight gain because the body tends to store more salt and water. Patients with hypothyroidism also have a number of symptoms. Such as feeling very cold, constant joint pain, feeling lazy and lethargic etc. However, the weight seems to increase suddenly.

Once a patient with hypothyroidism starts taking their thyroid medications and starts following the diet and exercise routine prescribed by the doctor, the person returns to normal in a short time. If the weight continues to rise even after taking the medication, it means that the cause of the weight gain is not only thyroid disease but also some other problem.


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