Cycling 20 minutes a day increases immunity

Washington, June 7, 2020, Wednesday

Research has shown that cycling enhances immunity when coronavirus epidemics are only possible with good immunity. According to the World Health Organization, cycling for 20 minutes a day eliminates problems like high BP, blood sugar, heart disease and not only that, if regular cycling is done, the body's immune cells remain active. Strengthening the immune system can help prevent diseases caused by viruses or bacteria. In addition to physical, mental strength also increases. According to a research, the brain of a cyclist is 20% more active than that of a normal person. The problem of abdominal fat and back pain is also relieved from the pain.

Bicycles have been popular in Europe since the early 19th century. In World War I, soldiers rode bicycles to battle. The bicycle army was also important in the British Army. Bicycles were a popular mode of transport in India from 18 to 190. With the economic growth after economic liberalization, the currency of the cycle has decreased. At one time farmers rode bicycles to farm, urban people rode bicycles to shop in the market, and post office postmen rode bicycles to deliver mail from house to house.

The importance of bicycle is still maintained in the developed countries of Europe and America as compared to the developing countries in the world. Separate tracks are also made for cyclists in Holland, Norway, Denmark and Germany so that they can cycle easily. The place of residence and office or business can be easily reached by cycling 2 to 3 km away. This way pollution can be prevented by saving millions of liters of fuel in the world. The bicycle is a very affordable, affordable and eco friendly vehicle even for the poor and middle class. To illustrate its importance, Cycle Day is celebrated by the United Nations on June 8.


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