Don't you make these mistakes while drinking water?

New delhi date. 08 July 2020, Wednesday

Water is an important element of our body, which is in our body in the form of 60 percent fluid. All metabolism i.e. the human body needs water for metabolic processes. Water helps to keep our body healthy, this is the reason why doctors also advise to drink enough water, but we and most of us make the same kind of mistakes while drinking water. Find out what these five mistakes are ...

1. Do not drink water while standing

According to a report, one should not drink water while standing, as it causes damage that the person cannot see clearly. According to Ayurveda, when you drink water while standing, you do not get nutrients from the water as drinking water while standing reduces its circulation. Drinking water while standing can be dangerous to your health.

2. Do not drink too much water too quickly

Just swallowing water does not accomplish its purpose. By drinking water quickly, the impurities in it accumulate in the kidneys and bladder instead of being excreted. But drinking water slowly and drinking small sips strengthens your digestive system and helps improve your metabolism.

3. Do not drink water just before or after a meal

You can't eat the same way when you drink water right before a meal. It makes your stomach feel full. Your body may not get enough nutrition if you do not eat in the same way. If you drink water immediately after a meal, it can interfere with your digestion. Which can also cause problems like constipation and nausea.

4. It is not advisable to drink too much water

Most people don't drink enough water, but there are many who do. When it comes to water, some people drink too much water, but it is not advisable to drink too much water in this way. Because drinking too much water has no health benefits. Drinking too much water can cause hyponatremia, also called water intoxication. This condition can cause low sodium levels in the body which can lead to swelling, coma and convulsions in the brain.

5. Drink water in this way during a workout

Many people do not know how to drink water during a workout. It can cause headaches. Drink at least 250 ml of water half an hour before a workout. You should also drink water between workouts.


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