This nurse plays the violin for corona positive patients in the hospital

Santiago, July 8, 2020, Wednesday

Hospital nurses and doctors and other staff are throbbing. The hospital is seen to be full of patients while the Cora epidemic is going on. Physician staff treat patients using PPE kits to prevent coronavirus infection. These scenes have become commonplace over the last three to four months but nurses at a hospital in the city of Santiago, Chile, play the violin for coro patients.

The picture has also gone viral on social media. Corana patients who live under stress experience relief by listening to the violin. However the nurse plays the violin in extra time not during her duty but after the job is over. His purpose in playing the violin is to inspire corona patients. In the Latin American country of Chile, corona infections are on the rise, reaching close to 3 million and killing more than 6,000 people.

The photo is believed to be from El Pino Hospital in Santiago. The 9-year-old nurse is named Damaris Silva, who plays the violin twice a week at 6 pm to the corona patients who are admitted to the ICU. Damaris has a deep interest in violin music. Playing music creates empathy and feeling for patients. He also feels it from the heart whenever he plays music. A Latin song on the violin continues to inspire people to live and be happy. When the violin music is over, the music lover applauds the emotional nurse. Violin music is enjoyed not only by Coro's patients but also by the supportive nurse staff.


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