Do you know about these benefits of curative cumin?

New delhi date. Thursday, August 27, 2020

Cumin is a staple food that is easily found in almost all home kitchens. Cumin is used not only to make food delicious but also to make a variety of herbs. This is because cumin contains medicinal properties which are very beneficial for stomach problems. In addition to stomach problems, cumin seeds have a number of problems that can be relieved. Cumin has anti-oxidant properties. Which is very beneficial for health. It is also rich in fiber, iron, copper, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and magnesium, which are very useful in reducing inflammation and relaxing muscles.

1. Cumin is beneficial for digestion

Cumin is a very good source for strengthening the stomach and digestive function. Taking it daily does not cause stomach ache, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation etc.

How to use: - To get rid of stomach problems, mix one teaspoon of roasted cumin powder in a glass of water and drink it.

2. Cumin strengthens bones

There are many people who are deficient in calcium. Cumin can be very beneficial for such people.

How to use: - If you do not like to drink cumin water, you can mix a teaspoon of cumin powder and black paper in buttermilk and drink it.

3. Cumin is beneficial in enhancing memory

If you are mentally healthy then you can easily face the big challenges of life. Cumin can help a lot in brightening your brain. You may be surprised to know that cumin is very beneficial in enhancing memory.

How to use: - Eat half a teaspoon of cumin every day to increase the power of thinking, understanding and remembering.

4. Cumin is beneficial in the pain of periods

Menstruation is a natural process that is impossible to stop. Every month girls have to suffer from this unbearable pain. During this time girls have to face many problems like abdominal pain, back pain, vomiting etc., in which cumin will prove to be very useful.

How to use: - Mix fenugreek, ajmo, cumin and anise in equal proportions and drink it. This eliminates the complaint of constipation. Also, to get relief from stomach ache, fry the cumin seeds on a griddle and clean the stomach by dipping the cumin seeds in a cotton cloth. It relieves pain.

5. Get rid of gas problem with the help of cumin

The sufferer is very upset when there is gas in the intestines. The use of cumin will be beneficial for them. Because cumin eliminates stomach pain and intestinal gas.

How to use: To use it, boil water in a glass of water with a pinch of roasted cumin powder, a little ginger, Sindhav salt and half a teaspoon of anise. And drink it after straining and cooling.


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