In addition to dairy products, these are the best sources of calcium that should be included in the daily diet.
New delhi date. 11 August 2020, Tuesday
By now you may have heard of dairy products as a source of calcium, but some people do not consume milk and dairy products which are the primary source of calcium. In addition to dairy products there are also many great alternatives to calcium. Calcium is important for healthy bones and teeth. Calcium deficiency can lead to joint pain and weakened bones.
Calcium is mostly carried in the body through the blood to maintain stable levels of calcium and therefore a regular diet of calcium is necessary to protect the bones from weakening and conditions like osteoporosis.
Plant based sources of calcium
1. Soybeans
100 grams of soybean diet gives 27% of the daily value of calcium. Different soy products like soybean flour, tofu, tempeh, soy milk, soybean oil or soy chunks are available. Soy milk can be a useful alternative to dairy products milk, especially for tea, coffee or smoothies.
2. Broccoli
100 grams of broccoli contains about 50 milligrams of calcium. 2 cups of broccoli contains the same amount of calcium as a glass of milk but with an optimal absorption rate i.e. calcium from broccoli is more easily absorbed by the body than calcium from milk.
3. Ragi
One of the healthiest millets is rich in many important minerals including calcium. About 344 mg of calcium is found in 100 g of ragi. It also contains a number of phytonutrients and polyphenols and helps control blood sugar levels. This is also very nutritious. Ragi is one of the few natural sources of vitamin D.
4. Sesame
The daily value of calcium in 100 grams of sesame seeds is about 97%, especially raw sesame. Sesame is useful for a light crunch in any dish. These tiny seeds also contain magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and selenium. Sesame seeds also contain protein. The best way to consume sesame seeds is to add dried or roasted sesame seeds to your vegetables, soups or salads.
5. Chickpeas
100 grams of chickpeas contain about 105 milligrams of calcium. Chickpeas are one of the best sources of vegetarian protein and are also rich in iron, copper, folate, and phosphorus, making it a perfect vegetarian superfood. Chickpeas can be eaten boiled or in the form of soup, salad or with gravy.
6. Foster
These versatile leaves are green in color with about 100 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams, making about 250 milligrams of calcium in a cup of spinach. In addition to calcium, spinach also contains oxalate which can interfere with the absorption of calcium. It should be boiled to reduce the oxalate from the spinach. Boiling spinach can reduce the amount of oxalate by up to 90 percent.
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