These 6 habits of yours can cause vitamin D deficiency

New delhi date. 06 August 2020, Thursday

Everyone knows how much vitamin D is needed for our body. Vitamin D deficiency can have a number of effects on the body. We often make a mistake that causes vitamin D deficiency in the body, so there is a great need to know the causes of vitamin D deficiency so that you can avoid making this mistake today and from now on. If you think that just standing in the sun or taking a vitamin D supplement is enough, you are wrong. You also have to correct your mistakes which are causing vitamin D deficiency in your body. While some people consume foods for vitamin D, some people take a vitamin D diet but you will not get enough vitamin D unless you correct your mistakes.

Along with this it is important to give up your bad habits immediately after knowing the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. You all know the benefits of Vitamin D and how it helps to protect the body from many ailments. There are a number of things that need to be considered in order to get adequate amounts of vitamin D. Find out here what habits can take you away from this vitamin ...

These 6 causes cause vitamin D deficiency in the body

1. Ignore vitamin D supplements

This mistake can lead to vitamin D deficiency if you do not consume vitamin D-rich foods or nutrients. You should also include vitamin K, magnesium and zinc in your diet to absorb vitamin D. This can help you enhance the absorption process. For this you can consume fortified grains and milk along with foods rich in vitamin D.

2. Not paying attention to diet and proportions for vitamin D.

The amount of things you include in your diet is very important. This can lead to vitamin deficiency in your body if you are not paying attention to the foods you eat for vitamin D and its proportions. You need to consult your doctor about how much vitamin D you need. Vitamin D supplementation should be taken with the main meal of the day.

3. Not paying attention to the amount of ghee and oil

Some people believe that consuming ghee increases fat, which is why they stop consuming ghee. Which can affect vitamin D in your body. If you consume the right amount of ghee and oil, the amount of vitamin D in your body can be kept in balance. If you ignore both, your body will never get enough vitamin D.

4. Taking more stress

If you are taking too much stress, your body may become deficient in vitamin D. Stress can be the biggest cause of vitamin D deficiency. Stress can also exacerbate a number of problems with vitamin D. Stress affects your body's release of stress hormone which prevents the body from absorbing vitamin D. You can also help eliminate vitamin D deficiency by taking stress relief measures.

5. Stay in a place where there is less sun

If you live in a place where there is less sunlight, your body may be deficient in vitamin D. Many people live in a place where sunlight cannot reach. If you want to eliminate the deficiency of this vitamin in the body, you also need to absorb the light from the sun.

6. Due to living in a polluted environment

Living in a highly polluted environment can also lead to vitamin D deficiency in the body. You should always try to be in a clean environment. Pollution can affect vitamin D. If possible, stay away from pollution and try to spend time in a clean environment.


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