How does corona affect a person's brain? Stroke- Increased memory loss problem

New delhi date. 27 September 2020, Sunday

Fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, shortness of breath are the main symptoms of corona virus. Patients with Covid-19 currently have some neurological symptoms such as confusion, loss of smell, and behavioral changes. The mental state of some patients admitted to the hospital affected by the virus is adversely affected.

Some dangerous effects such as stroke, brain hemorrhage and memory loss are now being seen in patients with coronavirus. Robert Stevens, MD of Johns Hopkins University, says he has seen neurological symptoms in about half of the patients in the Covid-19 unit. Scientists are currently trying to understand why the virus is affecting the brain.

Robert Stevens, in an article published in Jones Hopkins, lists the theories of scientists who are doing research on the subject. Cases of coronavirus all over the world are being linked to brain conditions. These include confusion, loss of consciousness, warping, stroke, loss of smell, loss of test, headache, inability to focus and practical change.

Some patients with Covid-19 have problems with the common peripheral nerve, which can lead to paralysis and respiratory failure. According to a report published in the Journal of Leading Sciences, similar symptoms are also found in SARS and MERS, which are spread by corona virus. What is the connection between the brain of a person with Covid-19 disease? The Johns Hopkins Study has four main points.

If the virus is able to enter the brain, the risk of a serious and sudden infection increases. There were several cases in China and Japan in which the genetic material of the virus was found in the spinal fluid. A case was found in Florida in which viral particles were found in brain cells. It can only be caused by the circulation of blood and the entry of the virus into the nerves.

The effects of the novel coronavirus also have a profound effect on the body's immune system. The production of maladaptive during the inflammatory response causes damage to the organs of the disease.

The transition from Covid-19 to some kind of psychological change. Excessive fever can be caused by a lack of oxygen in different parts of the body due to brain dysfunction. In many cases of Covid-19, the patient is also at risk of fainting and coma.

Blood clotting system problems are also quite common in Covid-19 disease. However, covid-19 patients are more likely to have blood clotting than a normal person. Blood clots are found in a person's lungs and body veins, which can cause blood flow to stop. However, a blood clot blocks all arteries leading to the brain, which can lead to stroke.


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