One apple a day can save you from many serious illnesses

New delhi date. 19 September 2020, Saturday

Most people know that eating an apple every day is good for your health, but very few people eat an apple or fruit every day. Eating apples every day at the right time is good for health, the body can avoid many serious diseases. That is why one apple should be consumed every day. Find out how much you can eat an apple every day.

Eating an apple every day keeps the brain healthy

According to experts, eating apples stimulates the brain. The nutrients found in apples maintain levels of pleasure hormones, which help us to be happy and not cause mental stress. Regular consumption of an apple every day does not cause memory problems.

Eating apples does not cause heart problems

People who eat apples every day have a much lower risk of heart disease. Cholesterol levels are maintained by eating apples regularly, which keeps our heart healthy.

Consumption of apples protects against cancer

The nutrients found in apples continue to flush out toxins from our bodies, which can help our bodies avoid bacterial infections. People who eat apples are also less likely to get cancer. Eating apples regularly does not make cancer cells easier.

We can also control our weight by eating apples. Regular consumption of apples prevents excess fat from accumulating in the body and also improves blood circulation. For those who want to lose weight, apples are a good health option.

Apples should always be eaten with its peel

Apples should always be eaten with the peel. One should eat an apple for a day. Apples should never be eaten on an empty stomach as it can cause indigestion. You can eat apples 1 hour after breakfast in the morning or 1-2 hours after lunch during the day.


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