This remedy will increase the radiance of the eyes by removing eye irritation and dryness

New delhi date. 19 September 2020, Saturday

These days, working at the computer for hours or constantly using the phone can damage the eyes. Due to constant work on the computer, we seldom blink our eyes, which makes our eyes feel dry. Excessive use of the phone or sitting in front of the computer while working has a light effect on the eyes, which can lead to eye fatigue and occasional irritation. You can get rid of eye irritation by staying at home which will relieve your eyes from inflammation and dryness, as well as increase the brightness of the eyes.

Do eye exercises

The eyes should be exercised in the same way that every part of the body needs exercise. This helps in proper blood circulation in your eyes. For that, first sit up straight and look at the front tafar. Then look once to the right and once to the left and keep rolling your eyes in both directions in the same way. Roll your eyes clockwise first then anticlockwise. You can also blink your eyes occasionally to relax. Do this exercise for a few seconds. Hold your petals for 20-30 seconds.

Amla eliminates eye problems

Amla is a good source of vitamin C. It contains antioxidants and a number of nutrients. Amla is very beneficial for increasing the brightness of the eyes and eliminating the problems. Mix a little amla juice in half a cup of water and drink it twice a day.

The antioxidants found in anise are beneficial for the eyes

Anise is considered beneficial in many ways. The antioxidants found in it reduce the chances of cataracts, which are the main cause of eye diseases. Consumption of anise keeps the eyes healthy. So mix large anise, sugar and almonds together and grind them in a grinder. Take one teaspoon of anise powder with a glass of milk every night before going to bed. You will see the benefits after taking it for about 40 days.

Eat almonds to enhance eyesight

Eating almonds improves memory. The omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and antioxidants found in it help to increase the brightness of your eyes. So keep almonds soaked in water overnight. You can eat it like this or you can also eat it by dipping it in milk. Doing this for several months will improve the brightness of your eyes.


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