This vitamin reduces the risk of death from corona by up to 50 percent: Research

New delhi date. 28 September 2020, Monday

Corona virus transmission is increasing rapidly around the world. The epidemic has so far killed more than 9.93 lakh people. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the number of deaths from the corona virus could rise to two million, despite many efforts to stop the spread of the corona. Meanwhile, a study conducted at Boston University in the US claims that patients who have adequate amounts of vitamin D in the corona virus have a 50 percent reduced risk of death.

Researchers at Boston University have found that people who have adequate amounts of vitamin D have a 52 percent lower risk of dying from coronavirus infection. Researchers say that a patient with vitamin D recovers faster from corona. According to scientists, vitamin D plays an important role in our body's immune system.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D in the body also reduce the risk of serious illness by up to 13 percent, scientists have found. Patients with adequate levels of vitamin D also need to be kept on a ventilator, which is reduced by 46 percent.

It has been said since the beginning of the epidemic that our immunity needs to be strong to survive the corona. Vitamin D plays an important role in strengthening immunity. Vitamin D is one of the most effective remedies for coronary heart disease.

On average, 42 percent of people in the United States are vitamin D deficient. Scientists have found that the elderly are also deficient in vitamin D. This is the reason why older people are more likely to die after coronary heart disease than young people.

Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. That is why doctors also recommend staying in the early morning sun, especially in cold weather. The second season can also be walked in the morning sun. It is also advisable to take vitamin D medication during corona. But no medicine should be taken without the advice of a doctor.


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