Increased anxiety and tension among Indians due to work from home

New delhi date. 09 October 2020, Friday

People working from home in India are facing unhealthy conditions of burnout. The main reason is not being able to keep a distance between work and personal life. There is also the risk of becoming infected with the corona virus. This trend is revealed from Microsoft's recent Work Trend Index report. It found that burnout has increased among one-third of working people in India over the past six months.

Microsoft surveyed 6,000 people in eight countries, including India, Singapore, Japan, Australia and more. A survey conducted through the Microsoft Meeting App found that India ranks second among these countries, with an increase in the rate of anxiety among working people.

The Microsoft Work Trend Index found that 41 per cent of the workforce in India is facing increasing stress and the main reason is that there is no difference between personal life and work. It has also affected their good lives. This is because of the long conversations with the people in the office, the increase in working hours and the lack of a time limit.

Twenty-three percent of those surveyed say stress has increased due to increased meetings and inability to fax on time. It also found in Microsoft meeting data that people are now busy with a lot of meetings every day and the duration of these meetings is longer from 5 pm to 9 pm.

The survey found that since the start of the work frame, the average hourly workload in India has increased. "Over the last six months, we've seen how the Covid 19 has created an era of working from afar," said Samik Roy, Microsoft India's Country Head. Who has developed a new workplace. New methods have been tried to work in business. It is important to investigate the effects of working on employees. Which is helping us deliver relevant and timely compromises to all customers and users.


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