This symptom indicates that your body is becoming dehydrated

New delhi date. 05 October 2020, Monday

Many people do not drink enough water despite knowing how much water is needed for our body. Not drinking enough water has a negative effect on our health and can lead to many health problems. Learn about some of the signals that signal your body not getting enough water. So you can improve your drinking habits and take care of your health in time.

- Mouth becomes dry when the amount of water in the body decreases. If the mouth is frequently dry, understand that the body is dehydrated. Water should be taken immediately in this situation.

- Drinking less water reduces sweating and prevents toxins from being excreted from the body. Dehydration makes the skin dry and dry and can lead to many skin related diseases.

- Lack of water not only affects the mouth and throat but also the eyes. The eye becomes dry and red.

- Lack of water in the body means a decrease in muscle mass in the body. Drinking water before, during and after a workout keeps the body hydrated and the water is used in the right place.

- When the body is dehydrated, the urine turns dark yellow. It is less common than usual and can cause inflammation or itching in the private parts after urination.

- When there is a shortage of water in the body, the body starts taking water from the blood. This causes a lack of oxygen in the blood and increases the amount of carbon dioxide which makes you feel tired and lethargic.


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