Diabetes in Winters: Know what diabetics should not eat in winter?

New delhi date. 30 January 2021, Saturday

Controlling blood sugar becomes a challenge during the winter season. This season can be even more dangerous for diabetics. Experts say that you can control your blood sugar by avoiding certain things in winter. Learn what to look for and tactics to help ease the way.

Fried or spicy food: - Fried items like paratha, corn bread, samosa, puri or kachori should be avoided during this season. Our digestive system also gets weak in winter. From which the body cannot digest such things. Patients with diabetes should be extra careful with these things.

Oranges: - Oranges rich in Vitamin-C are considered excellent for our immunity. But high levels of sugar in oranges are not suitable for diabetics. So avoid consuming it in winter. Especially don't consume packaged orange juice sold in the market at all.

Fatty meat: - Diabetic patients should not eat fatty meat at all in winter season. The fat in it can be dangerous to your health. Also avoid eating red meat. Scientists have previously warned of the dangers of red meat.

Deep fry: - Keep distance from deep fry items in winter season. The unsaturated fats in it are not good for your health at all. Avoid eating chips, pakodas or any other ingredients that are deep fried.

Alcohol: - There is a risk of hypoglycemia in patients taking insulin. That is why he should not consume alcohol. Alcohol can do more harm to your body than a normal person.

Soda or High Sugar Food: - Do not consume any food or beverage which has high content of soda or sweetness. Cans, soups, juices or packaged items found in the market are more likely to have sweetness. So keep your distance from these things.

Honey: - Honey is a good source of carbohydrates. This gives instant energy, but diabetics should avoid eating honey in the cold. Also beware of adulterated honey available in the market and consume it only after consulting a doctor.

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