This is how art therapy is effective in keeping women mentally healthy

Image Source: Freepik

Ahmedabad. 29 February 2024 Thursday

Stress is a problem that if not controlled in time, it can have a bad effect on your mental health and as mental health deteriorates, physical health also begins to falter. Meditation is considered to be the most effective way to reduce stress but there are many other ways. Which can prove helpful in eliminating this problem. One of them is art therapy with the help of which stress can be relieved to a great extent in a short time.

What is art therapy?

Art therapy includes painting, sketching, collage making, sculpture. Through which a person can express his feelings openly, without saying anything. This therapy is proving to be very successful in treating people suffering from stress, depression, exploitation.

How art therapy benefits mental health

1. Ways of expressing emotions

Through art therapy, women can better express their inner emotions. Many times some things cannot be conveyed by words. In that case, you can convey your message to others through art. A short period of art therapy relaxes the heart and mind to a great extent.

2. Reduces stress

It is not necessary that in art therapy you have to make a good picture on paper, try to put on paper whatever comes to your heart. This will gradually reduce the stress level. Distraction due to stress is the most basic thing that art therapy works to reduce.

3. Safe medium

Many times we do not share the tension going on within ourselves with others because of what someone will think about it, how will they judge, art therapy is also beneficial in this. It is a safe way to release stress and express emotions. Art therapy improves mental health. Confidence increases and positive changes are seen in life.


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