Mobile phones and laptops increase infertility in men

-Some pranks are responsible for that

-Radiation of mobile phones also affects

New Delhi 27th January 2021 Wednesday

Reports of declining fertility among Indian men day by day were found by a survey.

The gist of the survey was that waking up late at night, the habit of constantly looking at something on a mobile phone or laptop till late at night and other bad habits adversely affect male fertility.

According to a report published in Virtual Sleep magazine from the United States, the blue radiation emitted from mobile phones also has the potential to adversely affect male fertility. The magazine's surveyors took semen samples from a total of 116 Indian men, ranging in age from 21 to 59 years. Each of these individuals suffered from infertility. He was asked a number of questions regarding the use of electronic gadgets. The conclusion was based on the answers to those questions.

The survey also looked at how and to what extent semen quality was affected by people using laptops or mobile phones late into the night. Laptops and mobile phones emit blue radiation. The study found that it adversely affects male fertility. The researchers claimed that the short-wavelength light emitted by smart phones and tablets had a detrimental effect on sperm motility and quality. The study also found that men who slept longer than they needed were affected by sperm count and motility.

There was a big difference between the sperm of men who used laptops or mobiles late compared to the sperm of men who went to bed on time every night. The indirect message of restraint in the use of electronic gadgets was conveyed by this study.

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