Try this home remedy to strengthen bones

New delhi date. 04 January 2021, Monday

As you grow older, your bones become weaker. They do not have the strength to do everything very easily. In some cases the bones become very weak and this condition is called 'osteoporosis'. This can cause fractures in the bones and sometimes the bones become so weak that there is a fear of breaking them due to falling. Osteoporosis can be caused by not getting enough calcium. At the same time deficiency of other nutrients can also cause weakness in the bones. Learn about some home remedies to strengthen bones ...

Eat apples every day

Eating an apple every day can help prevent osteoporosis. Apples contain antioxidants such as polyphenols and flavonoids that help keep bones healthy. Meals including apple peel are more beneficial.

Sesame seeds make bones strong

Mix sesame seeds in your diet. This is the best way to prevent osteoporosis. In fact, sesame seeds are rich in calcium which is very beneficial for bones. You can consume a handful of roasted white sesame seeds every day. You can also mix it in hot milk and drink it.

Pineapple is also beneficial for bone strength

Pineapple contains manganese, which helps prevent osteoporosis. In fact, a lack of manganese in the body can lead to joint pain and weak bones. So eat a small bowl of pineapple before eating. You can also drink a cup of pineapple juice every day. It strengthens the bones.

Fish oil strengthens bones

If you are a non-vegetarian, you can consume fish oil. Omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil also reduce bone and muscle damage, according to research. However, too much fish oil can be harmful to the body. So consume less of it.

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