Do people with eye disease have a higher mortality rate?

New York, Monday, March 8, 2021

Research on vision disorders and mortality has yielded startling results. According to research from Global Eye Health and in the United States, vision disorders and blindness can increase mortality. A total of 18 types of research surveyed 6,000 people found that people with serious vision problems had a higher risk of dying than normal people. People with a minor visual impairment had an 8% increased risk of death, while those with a severe visual impairment had an 8% increased risk. The eye is an integral part of the human body without which life cannot be imagined. This problem needs special attention as the number of elderly people in the world is increasing.

According to one estimate, the number of people with vision problems and blindness is likely to double in the next 20 years. More than 1 billion people in the world have an eye problem while 25 million people have lost their eyesight. This is also important because four out of every five people suffering from eye problems can be treated. Or the problem can be prevented before they happen. The main cause of visual impairment and blindness is the habit of not wearing cataracts and glasses, both of which can be easily eliminated.

According to the experts involved in this research, this problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible as blindness not only changes the way we look at the world but can also affect our lives. In such times, this analysis provides an important opportunity not only for health but also for the betterment of life. It is also important to address the problems associated with visual impairment worldwide.

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