China itself has acknowledged that its corona vaccine is ineffective

Beijing, April 14, 2021, Monday

The results of various vaccine researches to protect the vaccine against the rampant coro epidemic are beginning to show. China, which at one time wanted to make a lot of money by researching corona vaccines, has admitted that its corona vaccine is less effective. A top Chinese disease control official has suggested that the vaccine be added to the vaccine.

According to the information received, Gao Fu, director of the Centers for Disease Control, said for the first time at a conference in Chengdu that vaccines were not up to the highest standards of safety. Gao emphasized the need to put different vaccines in the vaccination process. In general, China has been able to market its brand and research at a high level, but it has had to tell itself about the declining standard of vaccines.

Surprisingly, China has given its corona vaccine to many countries, including Pakistan. Mexico, Turkey, Indonesia, Hungary and Brazil are among the countries that have sent vaccines to Chinese private pharmaceutical company Synovec and state-owned Synofarm since the outbreak of the corona in 2020. China has so far ignored Western vaccine research but is now lagging behind. According to a study conducted in Brazil, the Chinese vaccine was only 20% effective in protecting against corona infection.

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