There are also nine states in the country where not a single death has been reported from corona in 24 hours

New delhi date. 17 April 2021, Saturday

While a number of states in the country, including Gujarat, are suffering from corona infection, there are nine states in India where not a single death has been reported from corona in the last 24 hours.

These nine states have relatively lower Koro transition than other states, including Sikkim, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman Nicobar, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Ladakh and Lakshadweep. Of these, four are Union Territories. No one has lost his life here in the last 24 hours.

According to the Ministry of Health, Arunachal Pradesh has the lowest number of 91 active cases in the country. There were 28 new cases here yesterday. Andaman and Nicobar has 116 active cases.

Even during the first wave of the Corona, there was relatively little transition in these states, and although the second wave was more dangerous, the condition of these states is relatively good.

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