Is a single dose of Sputnik V sufficient for resistance to Cora virus?

Moscow, July 16, 2021, Friday

The Corona virus vaccine, discovered by Russia for the first time in the world, is arguably the most effective against Sputnik V corona. An earlier study had found that two doses of the Russian vaccine provided 3% protection against Covid-18. Sputnik V is a combination of two adeno viruses. These are viruses that cause colds, fevers, throat infections and many other ailments. Russia shocked the world with the discovery of the Sputnik V corona vaccine in August 2020 while European and American scientists were conducting trials to research the corona vaccine. Vaccination can be done twice as fast if a single dose provides adequate immunity instead of two doses of the vaccine.

In a country with a large population like India, barely five per cent of the population has yet to be vaccinated. Even those who have taken the first dose are still waiting for the second dose. In such circumstances, if only one dose of the vaccine is needed, the vaccination can be speeded up. Some countries are experiencing a second and third wave of corona epidemics and some countries are preparing for a possible third wave in which vaccination plays a very important role. According to Andrea Gamarnic, a senior Argentine researcher involved in the study, in many parts of the world there is a problem with the limited supply of vaccines and the uneven distribution of vaccines. At such times there is an urgent need to compile statistics associated with immunity.

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