Every year 20 million people worldwide get sick from the effects of pesticide poisoning

New York, Monday, January 17, 2022

The use of pesticides to increase crop production in agriculture is increasing. To prevent crop damage from diseases and pests, 20 million people get sick from the effects of slow pesticide poisoning, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and various nervous system problems. The heart, lungs and kidneys are severely affected. There is no doubt that pesticide toxins are mixing in drinking water and the entire food chain. Asia, America and Africa are not far behind in the use of pesticides.

Most of the farmers or farm laborers are spraying pesticides without masks or other protection so more than 11000 farmers fall victim to pesticides every year. This figure does not include farmers who commit suicide by taking drugs. Insecticides are used to kill certain diseases or pests, but they also affect useful plants, herbs, and insects such as bees that work in pollination. Pesticides were responsible for killing good bacteria in the stomachs of butterflies sucking the juice of flowers in bananas. Insects and bacteria play a very important role in the human body.

Many pesticides are banned in European countries but companies from the same country can sell pesticides in a country like India for a hefty profit. Despite the promotion of organic farming and strong opposition to pesticides, the top five companies producing pesticides grew by 3% in 2020. Total sales were 21 billion euros. The production of pesticides is lucrative. Neither the lockdown nor the Corona period saw a decline in production or sales. Some German environmental groups and experts have expressed concern.

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