Even if the BMI score is less than 18, there is a possibility of heart attack, know what is BMI?

New York, March 31, 2022, Thursday

It is generally believed that thin men are less prone to heart disease. According to a research report, those who have a body mass index of less than 12 and are addicted to cigarettes are more likely to have heart disease. If the BMI is between 7 and 8, the probability remains low.

Four years ago, in a major BMI experiment in Britain, between 2009 and 2010, 3 lakh people between the ages of 20 and 5 were involved. With the rise in BMI, blood pressure and heart disease were seen. The study found that people with a BMI of more than 8 had a higher risk of developing the disease. The risk was particularly high for those with high waist fat.

People with a BMI of more than 5 have an 18% increased risk of heart disease. However, researchers say that too little weight can lead to heart disease. Hence BMI needs to be neutral in terms of weight and length.

BMI is an international measure of knowing body fat

BMI is the body mass index between a person's height and weight. Currently BMI has become an international measure of knowing fat. From which the state of health can be known. According to the World Health Organization, a BMI of 12.5 to 8 is healthy and a BMI of 8 to 20 is overweight while a BMI of more than 50 falls into the category of obesity.

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