Most vegetarians in this state of India, know, in which region meat is eaten the most? You will be shocked to know the name

New Delhi, May 25, 2022, Wednesday

According to a report by the National Family Health (NFH) Survey, the number of non-vegetarians in the country is increasing. According to the data from 2015-16 to 2021, the number of non-vegetarian eaters has increased in all religions from Hindu to Muslim. According to NFH figures, 78.4 percent of men and 70 percent of women in the 15-49 age group said they ate meat daily, weekly, or occasionally. According to the data from 2019 to 21, the proportion of nonveg is increasing.

According to the 4th and 5th National Family Health Survey, the number of people who have never touched meat is declining. According to statistics, most non-vegetarians are from the Union Territory of Lakshadweep. In Lakshadweep, 98.4 per cent people eat meat. Non-vegetarian states Rajasthan has the lowest number of non-vegetarian states in the list. In Rajasthan, only 14.1 per cent men are non-vegetarians. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

Only 2.3 percent of men reported eating chicken or meat daily, compared to 1.4 percent of women. 6.9 per cent of men admitted to eating fish daily as a diet, compared to 5.1 per cent of women.

According to the Nations Sample Survey, fish is the most popular non-vegetarian food among non-vegetarian Indians, followed by chicken, mutton and beef. Apart from meat, the survey also found that most Indians do not have a balanced diet. The number of green vegetable eaters is also low.

The survey covers 6.37 lakh households in 707 districts of 28 states and 8 union territories

The NFHS 5 sample survey covers 6.37 lakh households in 707 districts of 28 states and 8 union territories. In which 724115 women and 101839 men answered the questions asked in the form of questionnaires. Adult age group 15 to 49 years is included for adult men and women to know the information for food consumption.


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