If it feels more cold in winter then this problem may be in the body

Chills are common in winters but many people experience extreme chills even in normal temperatures and find their hands and feet frozen all the time. If you feel too cold, there can be many reasons behind it. Excessive chills indicate some deficiency in the body.

It is normal to feel cold and numb hands and feet in winter but there are many people who feel cold more than normal people. Whether it is winter or summer, their hands and feet are always cold. Have you ever tried to find out why this happens?? There are many reasons behind feeling too cold. Today we will know that what can be the reasons behind feeling cold in the body more than necessary?

Iron deficiency in the body:
Iron is a major element of blood. It works to deliver oxygen to the blood and also ensures that every cell is functioning. Circulates the blood properly, if the iron content in the blood is low, the body does not get enough oxygen and because of this, some people are more susceptible to cold. Lack of iron in the blood affects body temperature, its deficiency also leads to thyroid disease, and iron deficiency in the blood also affects blood circulation. Due to deficiency of iron, blood circulation slows down and due to this, the body does not get the necessary heat, so the intake of iron-containing substances in the diet should be increased.

Vitamin B12 deficiency:
Like iron, vitamin B12 also plays an important role in blood formation. Vitamin B-12 deficiency causes red blood cells to fail to form and hence the body feels colder than normal even if it is deficient in B12.

Circulation of bad blood:
Some people feel more cold due to poor blood circulation in the body. Due to the impurity in the blood, the arteries narrow and the blood cannot circulate properly, so the feeling of cold is more.

Not having enough body fat:
Body fat is directly related to cold. Not enough body fat also leads to excessive cold. Body fat generates heat in the body. Those whose BMI is less than 18.5 feel more cold.

Insufficient sleep:
Lack of sleep disturbs the body temperature. People who do not get enough sleep have disturbances in the nervous system that controls body heat. So, with more cold, more fatigue is felt.

Women are colder than men:
Women feel colder than men. Because estrogen in the body of women reduces the blood flow in the body. Due to the increase in estrogen during periods, some women feel colder during those days.

Water also helps in maintaining temperature:
Drinking less water lowers the body temperature. Not drinking enough water lowers the metabolic rate. Adequate water maintains proper body temperature and relieves the problem of cold.

Excessive stress:
Excessive stress activates the 'amygdala' part of the brain. The amygdala works to make the body feel safe. Activation of the amygdala wastes the body's energy and the blood does not circulate properly due to the lack of energy in the body and therefore feels cold.

Anemia and poor blood circulation are common problems in pregnancy. So especially pregnant women are more prone to cold hands and feet.


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