Follow these 5 tips from today: Stress and anxiety will go away

Ahmedabad. 23 March 2023, Thursday

It is natural to feel stressed and anxious in managing a busy life, office, family or relationships. But amidst all this if you don't rest and keep stress at bay to keep your mental state good then it can make life difficult not only for your health. In such a situation, it is important to know how to manage minor and major stress and protect ourselves from the effects of stress. So let's find out how to keep stress at bay.

Make time for exercise:- If you make some time for exercise every day, it can go a long way in relaxing your body and mind. For that you should do intense workout, walking, jogging, swimming etc.

Relax the muscles:- To relieve tension, you relax your muscles. For this you should take stretching, massage, hot bath, good night sleep etc. It will relieve your stress and make you feel better.

Take deep breaths:- If you are in a difficult situation, go to an open place and take deep breaths to remove the effects of stress. You can also do pranayama or meditation while lying down or sitting.

Avoid Triggers :- You should first find out what are the things that trigger your stress or anxiety. If this is happening due to work place, study, relationship or other things, you can talk about it with someone and take a break from these things for a few days.

Accept the truth:- The sooner you accept the truth, the sooner your stress will go away. You accept that you cannot do this job perfectly and that mistakes are made by every human being. This formula can be very useful for you. Remember that you can't be perfect at everything and mistakes help you learn.


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