Belly fat has increased, do this 4 feet diet in summer, the fat will decrease

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Dated 13 April 2023, Thursday

Many people do not like to exercise in summer. So sitting continuously makes belly fat come out and gradually increases. As a result obesity occurs. But to lose belly fat easily without any effort, it is necessary to follow some healthy diet along with some exercise. Now that summer has started, it becomes difficult to do an excision. Because sweat reduces the amount of water in the body. Instead, eating fruits in summer will be better for health. You can reduce belly fat by adopting this diet plan during this time.

Seasonal fruits

In terms of weight loss, it is best to eat fruits that come in the first season. You can use seasonal fruits like watermelon, mango, jambu in summer. These fruits are rich in vitamins and water so it also increases appetite and fills the body with water deficiency. So fruits like watermelon, pineapple and mango are beneficial to the body for summer.

Sattu, buttermilk and curd

Who does not want buttermilk in the summer! Along with this, sattu is also considered excellent, as it is cooling. It has good amount of hydrating and nutritious elements. Apart from this, it contains protein, fiber, calcium and magnesium in abundance, which removes the deficiency of nutrients in the body by drinking it. Buttermilk and curd are also rich in probiotics, protein and calcium.

Make it a habit to eat salad once in a while

Now in the summer season the less grain is eaten the better. Because everyone's digestive power gets weak during that hot season. So instead of summer food, you can eat a time salad such as cucumber, carrot, radish, leafy greens as well as plantain, cucumber and beet. Apart from this, it is considered good to mash mung, chickpeas etc. at night and eat sprouted grains in the morning. It is rich in carotenoids. Salad also strengthens the digestive system. And the immune system is also improved.

Ice tea

Iced coffee is considered as one of the best drinks to cool off the summer heat. Which maintains the hydration level. Apart from this, you can mix mint and lemon juice in iced tea and drink it. This exercise should be done daily for digestion in the body and for weight loss.

Coconut water

Coconut water juice is said to be good for summer. It contains electrolytes, which keep the body healthy and cool. Drinking this has many benefits. This is also called a power drink. Drinking a coconut water in the morning maintains hydration and freshness throughout the day.


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