Do you bake bread like this too? So change the habit today, otherwise this fatal disease may occur

Ahmedabad. 05 April 2023 Wednesday

Roti is made in almost every home. It is usually half-baked on a griddle and grilled over a gas flame, but eating rotis made this way can lead to deadly diseases like cancer. A recent study has claimed that.

This method of baking roti is wrong

A research in Australia revealed that if you bake bread at high temperature, carcinogenic compounds are produced. This causes difficulty in breathing. According to studies, cooktops and LPG gas emit hazardous gases like nitrogen dioxide. Which is not good for your health. This causes cancer and heart related diseases.

Hazardous chemicals are produced

Baking bread on gas produces a chemical called acrylamide. Apart from this, direct cooking at gas temperature produces carcinogens. Some research indicates that high-temperature cooking produces heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are known carcinogens. However, this report was based on burnt toast.

Chances of cancer from hamburgers

Earlier people used to bake the rotis by pressing them with a handkerchief on the pan, but after the advent of Chipiya, people started baking the rotis directly on the gas temperature. This may make more rotis in less time but this way of baking rotis is not good for your health at all. Apart from this, a research has also said that people who consume more hamburgers are 79 percent more likely to develop prostate cancer.

This type of research has already been done earlier

Cooking on LPG gas is not good for health as well as environment. Cooking on gas pollutes indoor air 5 times more. In the study, it is advised to use induction or electric fireplace instead of LPG.


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