Eat this thing to avoid heat stroke, dehydration, panacea to stay healthy

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Dt. 8 April 2023, Saturday

There are certain things to eat to stay healthy during the hot season. That keeps the body cool and can get rid of the problem of loo and dehydration. Sattu is one such food. Which is beneficial in many ways in heat. In which sattu is made by roasting and grinding black gram. People in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand use this superfood a lot. Salty or sweet sherbet made from sattu is a panacea remedy to ward off heat stroke and dehydration in summer. Know, what are the benefits of consuming sattu in summer.

Sattu contains these nutrients and cools the body

The effect of Sattu is cold. You can consume this anytime. Experts advise sattu to be eaten daily in summer due to the tasir being cold. It keeps the stomach cool from inside. Talking about the nutrients in it, it contains fiber, protein, carbohydrates, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese etc.

Benefits of eating sattu in summer

According to a dietician regarding sattu, sattu is a very nutritious food to keep the digestive power strong. It is high in insoluble fiber, which keeps the digestive system strong. This food relieves constipation. Drinking a drink made from sattu can improve your digestion. Sattu helps in cleansing the colon. Removes toxins from the intestines. This removes the problem of constipation.

Since sattu is rich in nutrients, blood pressure is controlled.

Apart from this, there are many benefits of consuming sattu to keep the heart healthy. Because sattu is high in fiber. Which makes it good for cholesterol patients too. As sattu is rich in nutrients, this drink controls blood pressure. And it keeps the heart healthy.


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