Eight diseases are increasing rapidly in Indians after Corona, know their reasons

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Dt. 9 April 2023, Sunday

After Corona caused havoc in the world, new diseases are emerging in people today. In that too, the disease is increasing especially among the people of India. World Health Day was celebrated two days ago. However, this day is celebrated every year. and in which efforts are made to create health awareness. This time the World Health Day was celebrated on the theme of 'Health for all'. Corona has been spreading rapidly in India for some time now. Although this virus was considered dangerous earlier, but now after passing through Corona, people are not afraid of it much. But it is necessary to be careful with Corona because currently most of the people are getting various types of diseases.

Such a large number of diseases have never spread before Corona.

In terms of people's health, there has been a huge increase in the number of illnesses after the corona has been gone for a long time, but it is difficult to say that this is happening because of the corona vaccine. But it cannot be forbidden. Because such a large number of diseases have never spread before Corona.

Corona virus affects the heart, lungs, throat and various organs of the body

According to a recent research, this corona virus has affected the heart, lungs, throat and various parts of the body. And it is becoming very difficult to treat the people who are currently sick due to this disease.

This type of disease is more common in Corona people.

1. Mental disturbance

In which mental illnesses like anxiety, tastelessness, memory and concentration are seen. Mentally, the man has increased anxiety and is constantly thinking of new ideas.

2. Cancer

Covage 19 targets several proteins. Because of this, infected people are more likely to develop various types of cancer.

3. Increased shortness of breath

Corona has to face many problems like cough for a long time, difficulty in breathing, headache. In some cases, people also get diseases like asthma.

4. Blood pressure

Research has found that people experience a large increase in various types of high blood pressure problems.

5. Heart disease

Cardiovascular disease has increased after covid-19. Diseases like heart disease, stroke etc. are produced. According to research, heart disease is seen in younger people these days.

6. Diabetic

Covid-19 has seen in some cases that people have started developing diseases like diabetes.

7. Asthma

People suffering from Corona have a lot of difficulty in taking oxygen. With this, people are unable to walk and often suffer from shortness of breath.

8. How to avoid chronic diseases

After covid 19 people often have more difficulty in breathing. In COPD you are afraid of getting pneumonia. Its common symptoms are seen.

These eight types of diseases are increasing after Corona. In which it is imperative to start eating healthy food to protect against it. Along with this, it is necessary to exercise regularly and do exercise, yoga, pranayama.


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